The daughter you don't know.

Letter From Dad : What Are All These Never Never Never Stuffs?

27 Apr 2008

Are you troubled by your relationship with a boy, my dearest daughter? What are all these Never Never Never stuffs?

Do you need to talk to Daddy? If someone is not committed to a relationship then let it go. You deserve better. With your intelligence and good look, you know when you graduate, you can find a really good Christian boy who loves the Lord and also loves you.

Always know that God has someone far better than you can ever imagine. His choice is better than your choice. So, don't get too caught up in this relationship, especially when you are still studying. It is not worth it to waste your time on a guy just because you think that he treats you nice. All the sweet talks and gifts might sweep you off your feet. But is he really compatible with you? Chances are that he is still struggling with his own emotion... and may be drinking like people of the world.

Why do you need to get stuck with a guy like that? You have not met real good Christian guys yet. So, relax and don't get too stressed up. You frighten Daddy when you posted things like this and also in your blog, you posted those poems that make you sound like an emotionally defeated person. My Angel is not a defeated person and my Daughter is as strong as her Daddy. She does not need the frivolous love of any immature guy. Right now, she has Jesus and her studies to take care of. So, be strong and don't throw your emotion to the wind.

Take heed the advice of your Daddy. You will find joy, peace and real love. May the Lord give you strength and wisdom to handle this situation well.

Love you very much

Your Daddy Sifu.


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